Overcoming many obstacles in a shaken Kenya, we had an amazing launch today of the third community currency in Kenya! Kangemi-Pesa is...
Articles by Will Ruddick
- By Will Ruddick
Kangemi-Pesa Launch Prep and More Currency News
Kangemi-Pesa is launching on April 4th 2015! After six months of preparation the Kangemi Businessness Network has reached over 100...
- By Will Ruddick
Looking Towards 2015
2014 has been an intense year developing the structures to allow community currency programs to one day become accessible across Africa....
- By Will Ruddick
Gatina & Bangla Pesa Nov Updates
After more than a year of trading Bangla-Pesa, with millions of shillings worth of bills changing hands, the program is running strong....
- By Will Ruddick
Gatina-Pesa Starting Circulation
Nairobi's first community currency Gatina-Pesa, following Bangla-Pesa's success has started circulation with vigor. Due to its dense...
- By Will Ruddick
Gatina-Pesa Launched
With an amazing march through the slum, starting from Congo and ending at Gatina Primary School the entire community has been mobilized...
- By Will Ruddick
Gatina-Pesa Launch Prep
The Gatina Business Organization is busy preparing for the community currency's official launch on October 11th. Children from the...
- By Will Ruddick
Hon. Paul Simba Arati MP Dagoretti - North
Nairobi's Dagoretti North MP. Hon. Paul Simba Arati will be attending the launch of Gatina-Pesa in October. Besides support from local...
- By Will Ruddick
Gatina-Pesa and South Africa
Gatina-Pesa in Nairobi (a sister currency to Bangla-Pesa) is set to launch in early October! Initial designs of the Gatina-Pesa have been...
- By Will Ruddick
Nairobi Bangla-Pesa Making Strides
Two settlements in Nairobi are racing to create their own Bangla-Pesa exchange networks. Kawangware and Kangemi groups are already near...