The current reality is that following Covid-19 many have fallen deeper and deeper into debt. However, most individuals would still not...
- By Will Ruddick
Youth Employment via Elderly/Vulnerable Support
Using a basic income (Sarafu in Kenya) youth can support their elderly and vulnerable by giving them their Sarafu. Then those...
- By Will Ruddick
Municipal Basic Income (MBI) via CIC
Consider the value in decentralized, municipally supported economies (networks of MBIs) - building and supporting local as well as regional
- By Will Ruddick
Static vs Bonded Liquidity Pools for CICs
As communities create their Community Inclusion Currencies as a credit against their future production, projects and excess capacity,...
Self-Funded Regenerative Agriculture Kwale Site January Visit
Based on the design found in the Kwale Sites the above poster was created by W.Ruddick On 11th January 2021, I visited Miyani Demo Plot...
- By Will Ruddick
Community Currencies and DEX Multitudes
Decentralized Exchange (DEX) Contracts contain multitudes. There are nearly infinite ways to use them to connect blockchain contracts...
- By Will Ruddick
2020 Kenyan CICs in Review
We're extremely excited about using CICs for developing support networks for vulnerable communities and households, and especially resilient food systems.
Regenerative Agriculture - Field Visit Report
The motivation given by accepting community currency will eventually be repaid with their ability to use it to purchase food from the farm.
- By Will Ruddick
How to Build a Vulnerable Household Support Network
Utilizing and developing Community Currencies can support, strengthen and identify a social safety nets around vulnerable households.
- By Will Ruddick
Currency Supply, Taxation and Redistribution
What does a decentralized economic system look like?